💝 Valentine's Special: Notaðu kóða VDAY6‬ Fyrir 6% afslátt + 🛒 🛒free flutning! 💘
- 21%

Kólumbía – 23CM typpið kvenkyns kynlíf búkur sjálfsfróun

Upphaflegt verð var: $ 65.00.Núverandi verð er: $ 51,25.

👏 $5,9 afsláttur af fyrstu pöntuninni þinni (Kóða: SALE)

  1. Við erum með lager í Bandaríkjunum, Europe, Kanada, Ástralía og Mexíkó með Ókeypis sending um allan heim.
  2. Hún verður send eftir 24 klukkustundir, kom eftir 3-7 daga Eftir að pöntunin þín hefur verið lögð inn.
  3. Nægur umbúðir – kassinn er alveg látlaus og án snefils af grunsamlegum lógóum/orðum.
  4. Dúkkurnar verða sendar naktar, án auglýstra búninga, En við munum gefa af handahófi svipaðar hárkollur og undirföt.

Upplýsingar um vöru

With a length of 23cm and ultra-realistic penis texture to give you a better sexual experience, this penis masturbator can be bent to make you more realistic during intercourse.

This sex torso can be washed and cleaned to avoid breeding bacteria, and can also be reused multiple times.

Yedda - 23CM Penis Female Sex Torso Masturbator penis sex torso2Yedda - 23CM Penis Female Sex Torso Masturbator penis sex torso9 Yedda - 23CM Penis Female Sex Torso Masturbator penis sex torso8 Yedda - 23CM Penis Female Sex Torso Masturbator penis sex torso7 Yedda - 23CM Penis Female Sex Torso Masturbator penis sex torso6 Yedda - 23CM Penis Female Sex Torso Masturbator penis sex torso5 Yedda - 23CM Penis Female Sex Torso Masturbator penis sex torso4 Yedda - 23CM Penis Female Sex Torso Masturbator penis sex torso3 Yedda - 23CM Penis Female Sex Torso Masturbator penis sex torso1

Umsagnir viðskiptavina

Based on 1 review
Poor quality! = Too thin. Not what promised!

I was very dissapointed firstly for the delivery time, Bcs this penis came through Finnish Custom, and so it took over 2 weeks to come! Secondly when I finally opened the item from the box, it was about 1 cm = 0,4 inches TOO THIN !?! - So THIS PENIS WAS REALLY BIG DISSAPOINTMENT for my Wife and Me :( :(

Skyldar vörur


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