🌸 Bejgħ tar-Rebbiegħa: Ikseb 5% mix-xiri kollu! Code: SPRING5 🚚 3-12-il jum tbaħħir b'xejn.
- 22%

18KG Tits Kbar Nisa Sess Pupa Torso

Il-prezz oriġinali kien: $ 458.14.Il-prezz kurrenti huwa: $ 355.71.

👏 $5.9 off fl-ewwel ordni tiegħek (Kodiċi: SALE)

  1. Aħna stokk fl-Istati Uniti, Ewropa, Kanada, L-Awstralja u l-Messiku bi tbaħħir b'xejn mad-dinja kollha.
  2. Hija se tintbagħat f'24 siegħa, wasal fi 3-7 ijiem Wara li titqiegħed l-ordni tiegħek.
  3. Ippakkjar diskret – il-kaxxa hija kompletament sempliċi u mingħajr ebda traċċa ta 'logos / kliem suspettużi.
  4. Il-pupi se jintbagħtu għarwenin, mingħajr il-kostumi reklamati, imma aħna se nagħtu bl-addoċċ parrokki u lingerie simili.

Dettalji tat-torso tas-sess

Among the many types of sex dolls, there is a female torso sex doll that has attracted the interest of many men. The reason for this is that this sex doll has big tits and a big ass. This sex torso features its nipples and also comes in the form of a voluptuous female body with a full torso making it easy to move around the room while also providing men with the opportunity to experience the sensation of being able to hold and manipulate their female partner. The torso is also designed to be flexible so that men can move around inside and interact with it in a variety of ways. This makes the sex doll ideal for many situations, including a date or a night out with friends.

Ċirkonferenza tal-ġenbejn:103cm

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