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4.5KG alvöru rass búkur kynlífsdúkka sjálfsfróun


👏 $5,9 afsláttur af fyrstu pöntuninni þinni (Kóði: SALE)

  1. Við erum með vöruhús í Los Angeles, Vancouver, Sydney, Tékklandi, Spáni, Belgíu og Rússlandi, Ókeypis sending um allan heim.
  2. Hún verður send eftir 24 klukkustundir, kom eftir 3-7 daga eftir að pöntunin þín hefur verið lögð.
  3. Nægur umbúðir – kassinn er alveg látlaus og án nokkurra snefil af grunsamlegum lógóum/orðum.
  4. Dúkkurnar verða sendar naktar, án auglýstra búninga, en við gefum af handahófi svipaðar hárkollur og undirföt.

Kynlífsbolur Upplýsingar

Some customers have complained that torso sex toys are hard to use, but in fact most of the reasons why they are hard to use are because they have not chosen the right sex torso.
If you are a beginner to the sexual experience or a sex doll collector, torso sex dolls can be a great option. They are easy to store and can provide you with an incredible sexual experience at a relatively low price. They also come in different features and are very realistic. Like this mini ass sex torso. Very realistic and full of features. The way it spreads its legs is so attractive.
Before using a torso sex toy, it is important to clean it properly. If you don’t, the mucus you produce during sex may stick to the toy and harbor bacteria and microorganisms. This can lead to infections and can leave an unpleasant odor. Both silicone and TPE torso sex toys need to be cleaned with warm water and antibacterial soap.

Simulation Ass Sex Doll Torso6 1

Simulation Ass Sex Doll Torso2

Simulation Ass Sex Doll Torso4 Simulation Ass Sex Doll Torso5


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