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- 44%

5KG — Lia xi hño Mini dänxu Sexual Torso


👏 $5.9 ar descuento jar ndu̲i ir pedido (Código:) SALE)

  1. Dí pe̲ts'u̲hu̲ ar almacenes ja ya Ángeles, Vancouver, Sídney, República Checa, nu Españä, Bélgica ne Rusia, Envío gratuito jar nga̲tho ar ximha̲i.
  2. Nä'ä da enviada jar 24 ar ora, zo̲ho̲ 3 — 7 pa 'me̲fa ga OT'UJE ár pedido.
  3. Embalaje discreto — Ar caja xí completamente lisa ne hinda ningún rastro logotipos yá hñä sospechosas.
  4. Ya ya ar enviarán desnudas, 'ñotho ya disfraces anunciados, pe regalaremos ar azar jar pelucas ne lencería similares.

Detalles ar torso sexual

You have come to the right place if you’re looking for a torso-sex doll. There are many options for sex dolls that have torsos. Every sex doll has a different sexual preference and each sex torso can be unique. Some prefer a particular skin tone while others prefer legs, thighs or anus. This diversity makes torso-sex dolls more attractive to a wider variety of users.

The sexual experience will differ if the sex body is in a different place. The sex body is 5kg in weight, flexible and soft, and looks like a real woman’s sex torso. This sex body is ideal for multiple sex sessions per day.

The sex torso store sell dolls that look like real torsos. Each man wants a wide range of sex toys.

Lia sex torso7 Lia sex torso3 Lia sex torso4 Lia sex torso2


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