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- 60%

25Ib – Kimberley TPE Sexy Bonde Chidhori Torso


👏 $5.9 kubva paodha yako yekutanga (Kodhi: SALE)

  1. Tine dzimba dzekuchengetera zvinhu muLos Angeles, Vancouver, Sydney, Czech Republic, Spain, Belgium, neRussia, Kutumirwa Kwemahara Munyika Yose.
  2. Achatumirwa mumaawa makumi maviri nemana, yakasvika mumazuva 3-7 mushure mekunge odha yako yaiswa.
  3. Discreet Packaging - bhokisi rakajeka uye harina kana mutsara weanofungidzira logos / mazwi.
  4. Zvidhori zvichatumirwa zvakashama, pasina zvipfeko zvakashambadzirwa, asi isu tichangopa iwo mawigi akafanana uye lingerie.

DzeBonde Kusvirwa Details

The size and weight of a sexy doll’s body are the most important factors to consider when buying one. The size and weight of sex toys is smaller than that of human-sized dolls, making them easier to clean. They can also be stored easily and take up less space. A full-size sex toy might not be affordable for everyone. There are other options, like sex doll torsos which are cheaper but still as effective.

The Kimberley, a small, beautiful and proportioned sex doll torso that weighs only 25Ib

kimberley sex torso6


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