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3.73KG – Yakachipa TPE Pussy Dhora Dhori


👏 $5.9 kubva paodha yako yekutanga (Kodhi: SALE)

  1. Tine dzimba dzekuchengetera zvinhu muLos Angeles, Vancouver, Sydney, Czech Republic, Spain, Belgium, neRussia, Kutumirwa Kwemahara Munyika Yose.
  2. Achatumirwa mumaawa makumi maviri nemana, yakasvika mumazuva 3-7 mushure mekunge odha yako yaiswa.
  3. Discreet Packaging - bhokisi rakajeka uye harina kana mutsara weanofungidzira logos / mazwi.
  4. Zvidhori zvichatumirwa zvakashama, pasina zvipfeko zvakashambadzirwa, asi isu tichangopa iwo mawigi akafanana uye lingerie.

DzeBonde Kusvirwa Details

If you are looking for a torso sex doll then you have come to the right place for the best torso sex dolls, there are hundreds of sex doll torsos to choose from. Each sex torso has its own characteristics and areas of sexual interest. Some prefer a certain type of skin tone, while others are more interested in thighs, legs or anus. This diversity makes torso sex dolls more appealing to a wider range of users.
When a sex torso has different positions it means a different sexual experience. This ass sex torso is a large arse, weighing 3.73KG, which mimics a real woman’s ass model when lying on her back. It is the perfect ass to bring you to orgasm many times a day.
Sex torso store has lifelike sexual torso dolls. Having a diverse range of sex dolls is every man’s dream.

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