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4.2KG Shema DzeBonde Chidhori Nemboro


👏 $5.9 kubva paodha yako yekutanga (Kodhi: SALE)

  1. Tine dzimba dzekuchengetera zvinhu muLos Angeles, Vancouver, Sydney, Czech Republic, Spain, Belgium, neRussia, Kutumirwa Kwemahara Munyika Yose.
  2. Achatumirwa mumaawa makumi maviri nemana, yakasvika mumazuva 3-7 mushure mekunge odha yako yaiswa.
  3. Discreet Packaging - bhokisi rakajeka uye harina kana mutsara weanofungidzira logos / mazwi.
  4. Zvidhori zvichatumirwa zvakashama, pasina zvipfeko zvakashambadzirwa, asi isu tichangopa iwo mawigi akafanana uye lingerie.
SKU qubanlv-mini-shemale Categories , ,

DzeBonde Kusvirwa Details

The shemale sex torso is a sex doll with both male and female characteristics. The weight of this shemale torso is 4.2kg and can be easily moved. It has a pair of large female breasts, and a large flexible male penis. They are perfect for solo masturbation and couple sex. They can even be inserted as a full-size penis with a realistic anus.

Shemale torsos are realistically shaped will allow you to achieve any position you want. Shemale torsos have a large penis length of 18 cm. and are flexible sex doll torsos.

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