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3.8КГ Мини Сек Долл Торсо великих сиса


👏 $5,9 попуста на прву поруџбину (Шифра: SALE)

  1. Имамо складишта у Лос Анђелесу, Ванкуверу, Сиднеју, Чешкој, Шпанији, Белгији и Русији, Бесплатна достава широм света.
  2. Она ће бити испоручена за 24 сата, стигао за 3-7 дана након што је ваша поруџбина постављена.
  3. Дискретно паковање – кутија је потпуно обична и без икаквог трага сумњивих логотипа/речи.
  4. Лутке ће бити испоручене голе, без рекламираних костима, али ћемо насумично поклањати сличне перике и доњи веш.
SKU qubanlv-mini-nai-jiao Категорије , ,

Детаљи о сексу торза

There are many kinds of sexual dolls, there’s an sex doll with a female torso that has caught the attention of men. The reason is because this sex doll has big tits as well as an enormous butt. The sex torso has tits and is also available as an edgy female body that has an entire torso. It weighs 3.8kg and measures 30cm in height and 20cm wide. It has a the bust measures 59cm, waist is 30cm and 53cm hips. Its body shape is an mini sex doll’s body, making it simple to maneuver around the space as well as giving males an opportunity to experience the feeling of being in a position to hold and manipulate their female counterparts . The torso was also made to be flexible, to allow men to move within it and play with it in range of ways. They are perfect for a variety of situations, such as an evening out with a partner or for a date out with your friends.

sex torso1 24


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