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Razmatranja pri kupnji muškog spola Torzo

Razmatranja pri kupnji muškog spola Torzo

Here are some things you should consider when buying a male sex body. You should choose a balanced design that suits your lifestyle, regardless of what sex torso type you are looking for. You also need to ensure that the right size and weight are chosen.

Kako odabrati pravi spolni torzo
Kada kupujete muško spolno tijelo, there are many factors you should consider. The most important factor is the material. Dostupno je mnogo opcija, and some of them can be more realistic than others. TPE and silicone are the most popular sex doll materials. The sex torso of silicone is much more realistic than the TPE one. Although silicone sex torsos can be very close to real skin, it is quite expensive. You can choose to purchase a sex doll body according to your budget.
Another consideration is the size. Your body’s size and shape should be taken into consideration when choosing a male sex torso. You won’t be able to have intense sex with a portable one, so make sure you get one that is big enough for your partner. Full-sized sex torsos, S druge strane, realniji su i traju duže.
Sljedeći, consider the purpose you intend to use your sex torso for. You might not want to purchase something real if you plan to use it for fun. You can use it to authenticate yourself, Ali to je samo jedan aspekt.

Možete birati između seksualnog tijela s rukama ili spolnog debla.
Seksualni torzo koji ima ruke realniji je od seksualnih lutaka i bolje će funkcionirati kao zamjena.
Muški torzo može imati anus, penis, or mouth. If you want to appear more masculine, many men choose a male torso that has arms. If you prefer to appear more natural, Možete se odlučiti za seksualno tijelo sa samo jednim penisom i bez ruku.

Možete se seksati s bradavicama odabirom spolnog tijela.
There are many options available if you want to purchase a sex body to use for fun. Before you make the purchase, consider what your purpose is. It doesn’t really matter if you are buying it for a friend to play with. If you plan to use the toy for actual sex you will need to consider its authenticity and cost.
You must first decide the size and weight you want for your sex torso. You can buy a smaller torso if you don’t have the budget. It won’t be large enough to allow for intense sex. You’ll need a torso to match your weight if you plan to share it with your partner.
The penis is one of the most important characteristics of a male sex body. Modern torsos have an anal opening, and most models have one. A sex torso is more expensive if it has more places. It is possible to find a sex torso with a lifelike texture. This is similar to real human orifices. This is another important factor.
Ovo su moji prijedlozi za kupnju torza muške lutke za seks. Nadam se da će biti od pomoći svim igračima koji žele kupiti muškog tora

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