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Kādi ir labākie seksa leļļu torsi

Kādi ir labākie seksa leļļu torsi

If you are looking for sex doll torsos, then there is a wide variety of different sex doll torsos to choose from here with us. You can choose from shemale sex torsos, male sex torsos, female sex torsos, or other sex toys. Each sex torso comes in different designs and prices, so it is important to find a high quality sex doll torso.
Let’s start with the shemale sex torso and male sex torso

Shemale sex torsosare sex dolls that have both male and female characteristics. They are perfect for solo masturbation and couple sex. You can find these toys online for a modest price. They can even be inserted as a full-size penis with the realistic anus.

What are the best sex doll torsos shemale sex torso12

One of the most attractive features of shemale sex dolls is their shape. The design is based on the anatomy of the human body. The well shaped torso will allow you to achieve any position you want. Shemale sex torso also have an attractive pair of breasts and a flexible penis. This allows them to insert the sex doll from many different angles.

Another benefit of the shemale sex torso is that it is easy to clean. You can simply use a mild soap to clean it, or you can use a sex toy cleaner to remove any foul odors that may have developed during use. You can also customize the shemale sex torso to make it a bit different.

The shemale torso it has a 6.9-inch long penis and a dildo length of 19 to 28 centimeters. There is also a flexible metal rod inside the siren torso that is fixed in the middle for added stability.

The male sex torsohas a 7-inch penis and anus. Although the overall weight and height of the male sex doll torso may be smaller than the female version, this does not affect its performance, it still has an excellent penis.

What are the best sex doll torsos male sex doll7

This male sex torso is the best male sex doll torso on the market today. He has lifelike features and a 7.5-inch penis. This penis is made of a soft TPE material that highly mimics a real man’s penis. Turklāt, his penis is full of elasticity, so you will feel the penis firm and elastic when using it.

This male sex doll comes with an adjustable torso and penis that can fulfill your sexual fantasies. To get a realistic effect. This male sex doll torso is also made of TPE, which is the closest material to human skin. And all sex torsos sold by Sex Torso Store are safe and non-toxic.

Sieviešu dzimuma lelles rumpis — The most choice and style on the market today is the female sex doll torso. This female sex doll’s torso does not have limbs, but it has a unique design, its large pussy imitates a real woman’s pussy, with realistic and juicy pussy and special wrinkles, very attractive. It also has a metal skeleton inside the body to support it, and do not fear it deformation during sex!

What are the best sex doll torsos sex torso6 20
The above introduction is from Sex torso store, if you still want to know more can enter our store to see it.

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