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Како да се грижите за силиконски секс кукли?

Ако поседувате женска секс кукла со торзото, од суштинско значење е да се разбере и научи како да се грижи за нив. The proper care of your dolls is a critical aspect of sex doll ownership. You’ll keep yourself and your beauty healthy if you keep your girl clean and undamaged, and you’ll extend her lifespan by years.

Here are the steps to care for your Секс кукли за торзото

  1. You should clean your doll regularly, especially after use or contact with bodily fluids. This is simple in the shower with warm water and a light soap.
  1. Please keep your doll’s head out of the shower and clean her separately. This is easily accomplished with a damp washcloth and mild shampoo.
  1. After washing, thoroughly dry your doll with a clean towel to remove excess moisture.
  1. A blow dryer can damage the skin if the heat becomes too concentrated.
  1. After cleaning your sex doll, apply baby powder to her skin after drying her. This will help remove any remaining moisture from her skin and keep it dry.
  1. We provide some of the most long-lasting and durable dolls on the market. Сепак, we still recommend that you move your doll cautiously to avoid unnecessary bumps, scrapes, or drops.
  1. It is also recommended that you store your doll in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme heat or cold when not in use. If you face any issues, you can contact us at https://sextorsostore.com/.


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